Indian boxer Vikas Bidhuri, who had entered the semi-finals of the World Championships, got the medal after reaching the semi-finals. In the quarter-finals of Bantamweight (56th grade), he defeated Billel Mahmadi of Tunisia. He has become the fourth Indian boxer to have a medal in the world championship. However, Amit Fangl in the 49th episode, the Olympic champion was eliminated by defeating Hassan Biaz of Uzbekistan in the quarterfinals.
Bidhuri said that I will try to get a big medal from bronze. I was troubled by eight months back pain but I did not give up and I got the reward. I am very happy. Bidhuri in the semi-finals will clash with Duc Raagan of America.
Gaurav Bidhori is the first boxer of India who has confirmed the medal in his first world championship. Earlier, when Vikas Krishna won the medal in 2011, he also landed for the first time in the world championship.
Gaurav Bidhuri said that this is a dream for me. I got admitted with a wild card and now I have become medalist. For me things have happened so fast that it will take some time to realize.
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