Umesh Yadav reached 'Ashok Vatika'. On the Instagram, he shares the picture, in which he is with his wife Tanya Wadhwa. Umesh Yadav has written with the picture - Hanumanji's big footprint in Ashok Vhatika .
It is believed that when Ravana had defeated Sita. Mother Sita had spent 11 months in Ashok Vatika. At that time, Ashoka used to be the big tree. However, today only one or two Ashoka trees remain in this vatika. Instead of sitting on the feet of Mother Sita, there is a temple built here. Sailants also come here not from India but from other countries.
There is two huge footprints in the Ashok Vatika when going slightly further from the Sita Kund. Who are now kept from yellow paint. It is believed that when Hanuman jumped to Lanka in search of Sita, it was his first step in Ashok Bhatika. Hanuman had entrusted Ram with the ram sent to Sita and assured that Ram would be defeated by Ravana and he would have to take him from here. These marks give testimony of the same.
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